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systems development methodology中文是什么意思

用"systems development methodology"造句"systems development methodology"怎么读"systems development methodology" in a sentence


  • 系统开发方法


  • Application development and technology migration services . reviews custom systems development methodology and processes employed
  • Firstly , this paper compares the popular methods in is development and clarifies their advantages and disadvantages . according to the system ' s characteristics , a comprehensive method , which combines structured system development methodologies ( ssdm ) , prototyping and uml ( unified modeling language ) for oo ( oriented object ) , is adopted to develop this system
    本文首先比较了当今几种流行的信息系统开发方法的优缺点,结合本系统特点,确定本系统的开发采用结构化系统开发方法、原型法和面向对象uml ( unifiedmodelinglanguage )建模技术相结合的一种实用化系统开发方法。
  • The main contents : ( 1 ) detailing the status of postal logistics and gis research and related theory ; ( 2 ) integration of the logistics system status tonghua post office , by postal logistics gis systems design and development . on systems development methodologies , techniques , functional design and structural design ; ( 3 ) gis system for postal logistics , route optimization algorithm introduced and contrast details of the system used by the optimization method
  • ? the paper studied the contribution of the development methods of the system to the dynamic mis especially the structured system development methodologies , prototype methodologies and 00 methodologies . the paper proposed that the three methodologies should be applied in the course of system developing
用"systems development methodology"造句  
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